Re: How to tune database with lots of very light queries
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:39:07 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Continuing Daniel's train of thought, I concur that if the SQL itself is
optimized, then you should look into why you have so much traffic. For
instance, an application that checks for updates every second to see if some
other processing has completed, could use DBMS_ALERT to be notified of when
the change occurs.
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Daniel Fink <> wrote:
> You have to ask "Why are these queries being executed?"
> 1) If they are part of a custom function, development needs to go back to
> the drawing board so that they are not being used
> 2) If they are called as part of an application checking for data, perhaps
> the application can cache non-volatile data at the application server level
> 3) Determine the business purpose for the queries and see if the business
> process can be 'tuned'.
> You may need to throw more hardware at the issue, but you should first try
> to determine if the executions are really needed.
> Regards,
> Daniel Fink
> Zhu,Chao wrote:
> We have some databases with load profile like lots of light query (mostly
> pk based), each execution cost only 3-6 buffer_gets and no complex join
> etc.
> But due to excessive executions (10K+ query per second), load is also
> driving pretty high.
> Anyone has experience tune such kind of application/database? From single
> SQL point of view, they are already perfect.
> --
> Regards
> Zhu Chao
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-- Jason Heinrich -- on Tue Apr 29 2008 - 12:39:07 CDT