Re: Updating PLSQL Table
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:57:14 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
I checked Metalink and someone else had posted the same question there (in 2004) but didn't get an answer.
Choose "technical Forum" and search for "To perform DML operations on a PL/SQL nested table"
- Original Message ---- From: Deepak Sharma <> To: Stefan Knecht <> Cc: oracle-l <> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 1:32:11 AM Subject: Re: Updating PLSQL Table
Tried this, but it didn't work:
lv_my_array my_array;
update ( select emp_name from TABLE ( CAST( lv_my_array AS my_array) ) )
set emp_name = 'NEW_' || emp_name;
END; I'm getting "virtual column not allowed here".
- Original Message ---- From: Stefan Knecht <> To: Cc: oracle-l <> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 12:58:25 AM Subject: Re: Updating PLSQL Table
You can do UPDATE (SELECT) .....
Although there are some limitations.
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 7:55 AM, Deepak Sharma <> wrote:
If I have a PLSQL "my_array" table defined as below:
create or replace type my_rec as object (
emp_id number, emp_name varchar2
create or replace type my_array as table of my_rec /
I can select from it w/o problem, even using a WHERE clause :
my_list my_array;
FOR c1 IN (
SELECT emp_name FROM TABLE( CAST( my_list AS my_array))WHERE emp_id = 999
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( c1.emp_name ); END LOOP; But, is there a way to UPDATE a particular row of that array (just as a Table) ?
Say, I want to update and set emp_name = UPPER(emp_name), for this entire array, how will I do it w/o having to loop across each element? And, #2,, how can I update just specific row(s), say, I want to update emp_name = 'UPPER(emp_name), where emp_id = 123, only.
Any ideas?
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