Re: Soundex in other language
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:58:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hi Dennis,
I'm looking for soundex in dutch. I'll have a look in Google, if I can find the algorithm and it isn't to difficult I'll create it myself.
2008/4/27 Dennis Williams <>:
> Rob,
> Since nobody has responded to your question, I'll give you a rather simple
> answer and maybe somebody will respond with more knowledge.
> I think Soundex proper relates to English, and this is what Oracle has
> implemented. But the idea and the algorithm are pretty simple. A quick
> Google search reveals that people have worked to adapt the idea to other
> languages.
> If you state the language you are interested in, maybe you can get connected
> with someone who has information on language of interest.
> Dennis Williams
-- on Tue Apr 29 2008 - 01:58:56 CDT