Re: SQL Performance Analyzer like software for 9iR2
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 16:34:23 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Capturing the bind variable values on the fly can be done but it has an high
overhead. One also needs to the map the PGAs for the processes that you are
interested in. So there is a lot overhead and system calls that need to be
done in order to get some values.
We had a prototype going of this, but the overhead was too high and you needed to be very selective (which pgas and at what time). May be one day this will become a product :)
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 7:08 AM, John Kanagaraj <> wrote:
> Tonguç.
> Note that V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE does not capture all bind variables, but
> only 'samples' are retained. In other words, this is a hit-or-miss
> that you would capture an interesting bind variable.
> OTOH, you can always use a tool such as Load runner to perform
> repeatable load testing across the whole stack. IMHO, RAT places a SQL
> load on the Db alone.
> > 11g's SQL Performance Analyzer(DBMS_SQLPA - )
> is
> > announced to capture the load of a database and report the
> > differences after applying this load onto a 11g database. We need a
> similar
> > software during our 9.2 to 10.2 migration so I want to have your comments
> on
> > below two topics;
> >
> > 1- is there any software you used before and may suggest for this need?
> > 2- to get bind values on 9i is there any dictionary view like
> > V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE of 10g or all we can do is Event 10046 Level 4 tracing
> at
> > instance level?
> --
> John Kanagaraj <><
> DB Soft Inc
> (Sorry - not an Oracle blog!)
> ** The opinions and facts contained in this message are entirely mine
> and do not reflect those of my employer or customers **
> --
-- Anjo Kolk Owner and Founder OraPerf Projects tel: +31-577-712000 mob: +31-6-55340888 -- on Thu Apr 24 2008 - 09:34:23 CDT