Re: Export schema error Segmentation Fault(coredump)
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:42:55 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Run `file thecorefile' and see what the core file is. Then use a debugger (gdb e.g.) to get its stack trace and search for the function names on Metalink, excluding the top and bottom few functions. Here's an example for an `oracle' generated core file:
$ file core.27932
core.27932: ELF 64-bit LSB core file AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style,
from 'oracle'
$ gdb -c core.27932 `which oracle` <-- assuming my $SHELL's oracle is the same
as that oracle
GNU gdb Red Hat Linux (
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Core was generated by `oracle<SID> (LOCAL=NO)'. <-- I changed my SID
Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
(gdb) bt <-- back trace
#0 0x0000003e4512e829 in kill () from /lib64/tls/ #1 0x00000000022e78dc in slcra () #2 0x0000000000745abb in ssexhd () #3 <signal handler called> #4 0x000000000239acd2 in opidsa () #5 0x000000000074c348 in opiodr () #6 0x00000000039e8e43 in ttcpip () #7 0x00000000007483e0 in opitsk () #8 0x000000000074b286 in opiino () #9 0x000000000074c348 in opiodr () #10 0x0000000000746073 in opidrv () #11 0x000000000074451e in sou2o () #12 0x000000000070a4db in opimai_real () #13 0x000000000070a42c in main ()
In this case, most functions look familiar to me, simply because they're
generic. (Actually I don't recall seeing slcra before.) Anyway, you would
generally search for functions somewhere below ssexhd or ksedmp. No need to go
down too much. Make sure you do an "All Sources" search on Metalink, or if you
use the old search page
remember to check Bug Database at least.
Yong Huang
> Let's see the command line and the resulting output and errors.
> Is it possible that there are two different files/binaries called "exp"
> and one of them is in the directory where it is failing and that your
> PATH includes "." before $ORACLE_HOME/bin ?
> Hemant K Chitale
> At 12:03 AM Wednesday, nilesh kumar wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >A very Good Afternoon to every one. Hope every one is doing good.
> >
> >I have a issue while exporting the schema in Solaris platform.
> >
> >When I entered the export command followed by the password. I get an
> >error that "Segmentation Fault(coredump)". May I know what is the
> >reason for this is it an space issue or another other issue. But I
> >am able to take the export to some other directory in the server.
> >Could you please help me out in this.
> >
> >Thanks
> >Nilesh
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-- on Sat Apr 19 2008 - 16:42:55 CDT