Re: Error recovering a database with a read-only tablespace
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 21:16:56 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Yes, it does look like the resetlogs didn't update the datafile header - which I guess makes sense since the file could easily be on read-only media. I'm not sure why on earth the open resetlogs command can't work out that the file is read-only and just ignore it though.
Thanks for your reply.
David Lord
On 18/04/2008, Finn Jorgensen <> wrote:
> David,
> Is it possible that after the duplicate that tablespace was still in
> READONLY mode and then a "nid" was issued for the database (I believe RMAN
> duplicate does that by derfault)? If so that tablespace would not have had
> its header updated. I suppose any subsequent backup's/restores would then
> experience the problem you're seeing.
> Finn
-- on Fri Apr 18 2008 - 15:16:56 CDT