Oracle version numbers appearing as links in posts on oracle-l
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:51:43 +0200
Message-Id: <>
Hi all,
Many mails on this list contain Oracle version numbers. That's a good practice. However, pretty often these numbers get represented as links in the message. The mailscanner of my provider then checks these 'IP adresses', and tries to warn me. Mentioning Oracle turns up like this:
> I would suggest to upgrade to MailScanner has detected a possible
> fraud attempt from "" claiming to beMailScanner warning:
> numerical links are often malicious: apply the latest
> patches advised in Critical Patch Advisory by Oracle.
If someone mentions three or four versions in one sentence, the message gets pretty unreadable. I know people at my provider in person, mails from oracle-l are now white-listed in their scanner. That's a workaround.I try to find the root cause, I try to pin down where the href= code is entered in the message.
My mail client is evolution. I've not much experience with other mail clients. Is it outlook? Another client? I guess it isn't freelists that tampers with the message format. Does anyone have an idea?
Best regards,
Carel-Jan Engel
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. (Derek Bok)
-- on Thu Apr 17 2008 - 07:51:43 CDT