RE: ASM - hardware mirroring vs. Oracle mirroring
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:53:54 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Agreed. ASM's main purpose is to provide striping and mirroring, is it
not? If you already are using a storage subsystem that performs those
tasks, what is the added benefit of ASM? Does that benefit exceed the
drawbacks? And, to Jared's point, doesn't it seem inevitable that use
of ASM will shift storage responsibility from storage and/or system
admins to the DBA? I have enough to do without taking that on.
Paul Baumgartel
Information Technology
Prime Services Databases Americas
One Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Phone 212.538.1143
From: Jared Still []
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 1:29 PM
To: Allen, Brandon
Cc: Finn Jorgensen;; Baumgartel, Paul; Don
Subject: Re: ASM - hardware mirroring vs. Oracle mirroring
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Allen, Brandon <> wrote:
I have no experience with ASM, nor any volume management software, but my guess would be that ASM doesn't add complexity, rather it shifts that area of complexity from the Unix admin to the DBA. I have the luxury of working with an excellent team of Unix admins, so I prefer to let them handle that area, but for someone who wears both the Unix/Linux admin and the DBA hats, maybe it makes sense to use ASM. Can anyone else who has worked extensively with both LVM and ASM confirm or deny that assertion?
I think we've seen an excellent example of added technical complexity from Finn Jorgensen.
Also, I completely agree with the fact that ASM shifts responsibility.
Personally, I don't want the storage admin's job.
We have very capable admins, and I don't see any point in taking on the
responsibility in addition to DBA duties.
Which as far as I'm concerned, adds a great deal of complexity, because
then I
as the DBA would also be the storage admin.
[] On Behalf Of Jared Still
Is it just me, or does ASM unnecessarily complicate operations?
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-- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist ============================================================================== Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications disclaimer: ============================================================================== -- on Wed Apr 16 2008 - 12:53:54 CDT