RE: Oracle on VMWare
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:35:43 -0700
Message-ID: <04DDF147ED3A0D42B48A48A18D574C450B3EBDFF@NT15.oneneck.corp>
According to Metalink 249212.1, Oracle will also provide support for
issues that are known to occur on the native OS. I'd imagine that most
SRs opened turn out to be for known issues in which case Oracle isn't
going to put the burden on you to prove it isn't VMWare-related, they'll
just provide the solution/patch just like they would if you weren't
running on VMWare. So, I think this burden of having to prove the
problem exists on a non-VMWare environment would only be a real factor
in very rare cases where you are the first to discover a new bug, which
I would bet makes up less than 5% of your SRs.
Does anyone have any stories of actually working with Oracle support for their VMWare environments? I'd assume they would make an honest effort to see if the problem is a known issue on the native OS before they give you the "prove it's not vmware" shove off, but I haven't actually run Oracle on VMWare yet so haven't had the chance to open any SRs for it.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Amar Kumar Padhi
if an SR is raised, Oracle would request us to simulate the same on a non-vm environment to provide a solution.
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-- on Tue Apr 15 2008 - 13:35:43 CDT