RE: upgrade - How did it go for you?
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:09:58 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I have patched my playground RAC cluster (2 node EE) 32bit Enterprise Linux 4 Update 6 without any problems. Following Martin Klier's post I checked for differences in the $ORACLE_HOME/lib and $ORACLE_HOME/bin directories but did not find any (apart from the obvious xxxO files created during linking).
I always prefer to manually upgrade my databases, other posts about an unreliable dbua have always confirmed this.
Personally I like very much, but then again I am not using anything apart from JVM and XMLDB _and_ this has been a playground environment. Also something to keep in mind is that Linux 32bit is probably the most mature platform for patches nowadys.
Hope that helps,
> Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:10:03 -0600
> From: Brian <>
> Subject: upgrade - How did it go for you?
> We are planning on upgrading from (the horrible version) to
> (the blessed version....can you see my hopes hanging high?).
> I've
> reviewed Metalink Note:555579.1 for the known issues but I would like
> to find out what real experience those of you who have gone through >
> the upgrade have experienced. Ours is a 2-node Linux X86_64
> cluster that utilizes ASM.
> We have already upgraded single node test instances without any
issues > to and I haven't seen any problems but I'm interested
in the > RAC rollout or other issues we've yet to see.
> Thanks,
> Brian
-- on Tue Apr 15 2008 - 05:09:58 CDT