Re: Oracle on VMWare
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:53:21 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Make sure you review the information at as this resource is dedicated to running Oracle on VMware and have several good docs on best practices and performance numbers.
We have been running production Oracle(9i, 10g, R11, R12) inside VMs(RHEL3, OEL4 Win2K3) on ESX since release 2.5 for over 3 years now without a hitch.
Let me know if you are looking for specifics but for the most part we treat VMs like regular hardware as far as it concerns Oracle setups, monitoring and maintenance.
On 4/14/08, Blanchard William <> wrote:
> Is anyone running Oracle (10g) on VMWare? Have you had any
> difficulties? We are considering placing some production systems on
> VMWare so that we can better control resources consumed by individual
> applications. We have completed an install and have been monitoring the
> database to ensure that there aren't any problems with running an
> "empty" database (backup, memory, etc) as a proof-of-concept for a
> couple of weeks now so we know that it can be done.
> William
-- =========================== Faan DeSwardt E: P: 408-463-6413 -- on Mon Apr 14 2008 - 10:53:21 CDT