RE: lsnrctl passwords

From: Ben Wittmeier <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 11:24:48 -0600
Message-ID: <>

We use listener passwords with Oracle 10g and previously with 9i as required by our auditors. The interactive password setting is not usually an issue since you only need to stop/start the listener when the server is being shutdown or when maintaining the listener itself. For our cold backups, we shut the db down, but not the listener; it stays running all the time.  

From my research on the issue, I believe the only way to programmatically shutdown/start the password protected listener would be to utilize a program that executes keystrokes just as if a user were typing in the commands from the keyboard.  


[] On Behalf Of Blanchard William Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: lsnrctl passwords

Wouldn't they need access to your network in order to access the listener? I know that you can set up a similar entry in a listener.ora and remotely access the listener (I did this to prove it) but I was behind the firewall. I tried from home but wasn't able to access the listener using the same technique.

Another question is that in 9i you can't do a save_config and have to enter the password interactively in order to use the listener. So, after a cold backup and a server restart, someone would have to manually restart every listener.

Has anyone figured out how to script this? We tried but weren't able to figure out how to script the password entry so that our startup scripts would work with a password protected listener.  


From: Andrew Kerber [] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 10:44 AM
To: Blanchard William
Subject: Re: lsnrctl passwords

Several things they could do, for one they could turn off logging when you need it. They could also turn on logging, fille up the drive that the log file is on, and stop your listener, they could shut down the listener so no one could connect. ALl of these could be accidental or on purpose, but a password makes it harder to do either way. Also, most Sarbanes-Oxley compliance checklists require it.

It is a pain to deal with even so.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Blanchard William <> wrote:

        Is anyone out there using lsnrctl passwords? If so, why? I realize that there are vulnerabilities but if they're able to get at the network, why would they waste their time on the listner?                             


Andrew W. Kerber

'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.' 

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