RE: Wait event SQL*Net break/reset to client caused by duplicate insert?
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 00:04:57 +0800
Message-id: <082a01c89a5b$74e1b6b0$3201a8c0@windows01>
Yes, a SQL*Net break/reset happens when an error/unhandled exception is
raised during a call (which means that the call executed didn't complete
normally, thus the call state must be reset).
The approach of "insert -> if failed then update" is basically what MERGE does.
You need to change the application to use MERGE command. Alternatively you could use an "update -> if no-rows-updated then insert" approach, but MERGE makes much more sense nowadays.
Tanel Poder <>
From: []
On Behalf Of Peter Hitchman
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 03:55
To: oracle-l
Subject: Wait event SQL*Net break/reset to client caused by duplicate
Oracle 1.1.06 RAC on OEL 4 64 bit.
We are seeing an insert statement reporting "SQL*Net break/reset to client"
as over 1/3 of its time.
On the face of it this event suggests network issues but nothing else backs
this up as the cause.
So I looked at the Java code in question and a trace of one of the sessions.
What is happening is that an attempt is made to insert a row, most of the
time a duplicate error results, the code catches this exception and does an
I was wondering if its the duplicate error and the exception handling which
results in this wait event showing up.
All insights welcome
Received on Wed Apr 09 2008 - 11:04:57 CDT