RE: Issues with Triggers in an Oracle RAC
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 11:42:30 -0400
Message-ID: <>
We have audit session enabled with an average of 10 logons/sec on a 2
node RAC,, ASM, Solaris 10.
No problems with it.
Vlado Barun, M.Sc.
Senior Enterprise Database Architect
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Hemant K Chitale
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 11:25 AM
To: Rumpi Gravenstein
Subject: Re: Issues with Triggers in an Oracle RAC
I DID have problems with AUDIT SESSION that was enabled for a short
while in an RAC instance.
Although the AUDSES$ sequence had been altered to a high CACHE
value, there was some severe
contention during a connection storm (connections coming in at about
1 every 3 seconds) and one
instance did crash. We disabled Session Audit then.
In my opinion, SYS.AUD$ tries to capture too much information.
Hemant K Chitale
At 11:19 PM Wednesday, Rumpi Gravenstein wrote:
>I would like to add audit triggers to populate record create user
>and timestamp columns ( :new.rcd_create_user_id := USER and
>:new.rcd_create_dt := SYS_TIMESTAMP). They have an unwritten policy
>that states triggers should be avoided if at all possible. I'm
>trying to find factual support that their contention that triggers
>cause "library cache lock waits" which in turn impact the database
>resulting in unacceptable production problems is misplaced,
>especially for the type of audit triggers I'm considering.
-- -- on Wed Apr 09 2008 - 10:42:30 CDT