From: Alex Gorbachev <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 09:12:26 -0400
Message-Id: <>

Sorry, no experience with that particular implementation but any XA introduces significant overhead and rather non-feasible on high throughput environments according to my experience so I'll drag you to somewhat different direction if I may...

In Oracle only environments you might be much better off with database links. You could also use DB links n heterogeneous environments employing Oracle gateways but I don't have too much good experience with those and can't judge if they are better than XA transactions.

What is the purpose of distributed processing? What are the targets?

On 8-Apr-08, at 5:36 AM, Charlotte Hammond wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm entering the world of distributed transactions for the first
> time. We are using the Websphere as the transaction manager. The
> developers have asked to have the JVM and the JAVA_XA package. I'm
> struggling to find any decent docs on JAVA_XA. In particular do we
> really need this for Oracle to participate in (rather than manage)
> an XA transaction?
> Any pointers to docs about this configuration (Oracle/Websphere/XA)
> for a DBA would be very welcome.
> Many thanks again!
> Charlotte
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Received on Tue Apr 08 2008 - 08:12:26 CDT

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