Re: 8.0.6 SQLPLUS Connection string.
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 17:03:51 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Try to replace SERVICE_NAME with SID or ORACLE_SID (don't remember
which), and I suspect that it will work.
HTH Stéphane Faroult
RAAZ wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an unix script in 10g, which connects to remote database whose
> connection string is NOT defined in tnsnames.ora, as described below.
> sqlplus -s user/password@"(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS =
> (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $dbhost)(PORT = $dbport))) (CONNECT_DATA =
> blah..blah..
> Now, I have moved the script to another machine, where oracle client
> version is 8.0.6. Unfortunately, sqlplus (of 8.0.6) doesn't like this
> syntax.
> Has anyone got an workaround to connect to remote db without having an
> entry in TNS Entry in 8.0.6 ?
> Thank you!
> --
-- on Mon Apr 07 2008 - 10:03:51 CDT