Re: RAC Configuration - Websphere Configuration
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 09:31:34 -0400
Message-Id: <>
psrvdb2 service is running only on 3 nodes according on your lsnrctl service output - psrvdb2, psrvdb3 and psrvdb4. When connection comes to the listener it will send it to one of those nodes only if you are using SERVICE_NAME=pspsrv as you stated.
If listener decides to route new connection to the local node then it starts dedicated server and hands off connection to it. If listener decides to route new connection to a remote node, it forwards it to the listener on a remote node and that listener starts dedicated process there and hands off connection.
By disabling client side load balancing, you are putting all burden on initial connection requests to one single listener. If you don't do too many connection requests - that will be fine. But the most important, specifying only one address in your client connection string, you introducing single point of failure - if your single listener or the whole node goes down, application won't be able to connect.
Client side load balancing and connection failover let you avoid relying on a single listener and distribute connection requests (not connections themselves) amongst all listeners. You can safely add there all 5 listeners and they will route connections only to 3 nodes that are running service requested.
On 1-Apr-08, at 11:36 PM, Sanjay Mishra wrote:
> Alex
> I checked and found that it is using Server-side Load balancing. Can
> you please provide your expertise on the following.
> If I set the Load Balance =off on Websphere level
> - Service pspsrv is meant to run on 3 node
> -> Is the connection will go to all 5 nodes even pspsrv is
> supposed to go for three node. I had Servder Side Load balancing on
> and both Local and Remote Listener is defined.
> Sanjay
-- on Wed Apr 02 2008 - 08:31:34 CDT