Re: OEM 10g ORA-00001 mystery
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 08:29:31 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
> From: "Herring Dave - dherri" <>
> I've got a mystery with OEM 10g that I'm hoping someone can help with. For
> most databases I support, I enable an ON SERVERERROR trigger and capture all
> possible ORA-* errors into a table for later analysis. After doing so on our
> OEM 10g repository, I noticed that we get anywhere between 500k and 800k
> ORA-00001 errors per day from the agent that loads data.
Herring, Bug 6676249 matches your description exactly (or they created it on your behalf?). I looked at table MGMT_METRICS_RAW in our OMS database. The primary key is on 4 columns: TARGET_GUID, METRIC_GUID, KEY_VALUE, and COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP. Is yours only on the first two columns? My database is and most rows under version column of MGMT_VERSIONS are as well (not sure what component I need to look at).
If that doesn't explain it, do you see unique constraint violated errors in mgmt_system_error_log?
Yong Huang
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-- on Tue Apr 01 2008 - 10:29:31 CDT