Re: porting to oracle?

From: Alex Gorbachev <>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 23:05:54 -0400
Message-Id: <>


If you are using MySQL Master-Slave solution then closest Oracle solution would be Logical Standby (not exactly). However, I would say that generally MySQL implementation is less of a troubles. Another Oracle solution that have MySQL analog is Physical Standby - changes are propagated and applied as change vectors to the blocks in datafiles (I'm simplifying).

Depending on Oracle version and your requirements you can use both.

Another option would be replication but that generally have very limited use and definitely not the right fit for high volume OLTP.

Oracle Streams is another technology and it's the most flexible option. It's somewhat similar to logical standby but gives you lots of flexibility of propagation and transformation of data changes. Our customers using Streams are screaming -- it's really cool technology and is heavily underutilized.

I'm not touching Oracle RAC intentionally - you probably want to stick to simple solutions when moving from MySQL to Oracle.

Now, perhaps, it's time to have another look on your MySQL and instead of porting, work to tune it an redesign. Not that I'm a MySQL guru (I don't even know enough to call myself a good MySQL DBA) but I have access to few experts if you'd like to elaborate on your issues. Though, it might be the wrong forum for MySQL but it could be interested to Oracle DBA's on this list as well.


On 28-Mar-08, at 5:02 AM, Evert Lammerts wrote:

> Hello all,
> As complete newbies we are looking for some advice - I hope this is
> the right place to come to.
> We have a fairly high traffic web based system using a database
> server running MySQL. The server has a lot of transactions to
> process and cannot handle the load anymore, resulting in very long
> response times.
> We now have two machines for our database, physically in different
> locations however and that cannot be changed. At this moment we are
> at the point where we need to consider the database system we will
> port to - if we will port at all.
> What we need is a redundant system that will be able to support our
> (fast) expanding database, and we're thinking of Oracle 10g - mostly
> because we know it is the industry standard, not because we know WHY
> it is the industry standard.
> So the question is, i guess, what kind of setup would we use for
> Oracle 10g running one database in two different locations, what
> would be the best way to keep them synchronized (it needs to be
> completely transaction safe) and how is such a system expected to
> perform?
> Evert Lammerts
> --

Received on Mon Mar 31 2008 - 22:05:54 CDT

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