RE: What is the incremental checkpointing?

From: Allen, Brandon <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:09:58 -0700
Message-ID: <04DDF147ED3A0D42B48A48A18D574C450B000BB5@NT15.oneneck.corp>

Oracle docs sometimes use the term "fast-start" checkpointing instead of
"incremental" since 9i. In 9i and 10g, you manage this with the
FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter, but in 11g it's supposed to be
"self-tuning", although I don't have any experience with it yet. You
might find these helpful:

9i: htm#442283 tm#sthref2531

10g: tm#sthref2531

11g: s.htm#CJAEHGCE


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