RE: copy tablespace in one database
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:59:41 -0500
Message-ID: <>
From the description below, tablespaces seem irrelevant. Just create
table <original table name>_hist (or whatever convention you want),
build the indexes necessary for and sql or dml that will be performed
against the history tables, and create a procedure to 'insert /*+
append */' (assuming recovery consequences are acceptable) the data from
the original tables into the history tables prior to the original tables
being 'cleaned' out. You may need to add a date column to the history
You aren't copying a tablespace. You are copying data from one table to another. Whether they are in the same or different tablespaces is irrelevant, at least for the description you provided.
If I'm way off base, please provide a more accurate description of what you really need to do.
[] On Behalf Of Wojciech Skrzynecki
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 3:51 PM
Subject: copy tablespace in one database
I plan to copy data from all tables to the new tables in new tablespace every night. Why? Old tablespaces will be purged every night and I have to have old date
I think that I have two options:
I have to copy tablespace to the new with new name plus date e.g. tablespace "name" to the new name_date.
Create tables in new tablespace "as select" but what can I do with indexes?
I do not know if first options is possible.
Maybe you have any idea to help me.
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-- on Tue Mar 25 2008 - 15:59:41 CDT