Fw: Quality of Oracle MetaLink Notes
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:52:28 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <991772.35357.qm@web38908.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Robert G. Freeman
Oracle Database 11g New Features (Oracle Press)
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Oracle Database 10g New Features (Oracle Press)
Oracle9i RMAN Backup and Recovery (Oracle Press)
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Blog: http://robertgfreeman.blogspot.com (Oracle Press)
- Forwarded Message ---- From: Robert Freeman <robertgfreeman_at_yahoo.com> To: Jared Still <jkstill_at_gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 1:52:09 PM Subject: Re: Quality of Oracle MetaLink Notes
Oh yeah, RDA is a great way to hold up an SR!! So many times they ask you to run it and I'm like, this is a worthless exercise!
I'm interested to see how things change once 11g becomes more widespread and people start using the support workbench (or don't as the case may be). Will people use it to package incidents and have the SW open the SR's automatically or will they still do it the old fashioned way?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Robert G. Freeman
Oracle Database 11g New Features (Oracle Press)
Portable DBA: Oracle (Oracle Press)
Oracle Database 10g New Features (Oracle Press)
Oracle9i RMAN Backup and Recovery (Oracle Press)
Oracle9i New Feature
Blog: http://robertgfreeman.blogspot.com (Oracle Press)
- Original Message ---- From: Jared Still <jkstill_at_gmail.com> To: piontekdd_at_gmail.com Cc: robertgfreeman_at_yahoo.com; hkchital_at_singnet.com.sg Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 11:30:36 AM Subject: Re: Quality of Oracle MetaLink Notes
This is the reason I have quit running RDA other than for my own use.
And I have not installed the new Apps version of RDA.
At times first evel support analysts have barely read the small amount of information that is included.
More than once my updates in SR having included 'as mentioned earlier in this SR'.
I have mentioned this in SR feedback polls as well.
Who knows, it may do some good.
Re the SR feedback polls - be sure to give accolades to analysts that do great job.
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Bradd Piontek <piontekdd_at_gmail.com> wrote: My biggest frustration with Oracle Support as of late is when I follow all the recommendations on the SR (i.e. I run RDA, or any other pre-analysis tool) not to mention all the host/database version/platform etc informatio in the SR creation, and the first questions out of the Level 1's mouth are things contained in the SR already or in the data I gathered for them.
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Robert Freeman <robertgfreeman_at_yahoo.com> wrote: I think part of this issue is one of language/culture with respect to the analyst. With a global support organization you are going to get people who's first language is not English (or even American English). Thus, their vocabulary will not be quite as wide as a natural speaker. Additionally this probably makes for more halting and harsh sounding reporting, when in fact that may not have been the intent. Finally I find the first level support at Oracle to often be lacking. If you get a first level analyst making the report (or perhaps they are trying in vain to paraphrase a development response), they may not have the knowledge to accurately write what has been reported. Some of the initial responses I get to SR's are nothing more than the analyst going through the docs and finding something that I already knew a long time ago.
I kind of wish Metalink had a set of radio buttons so you could describe your skill set (expert, advanced, intermediate, beginner) so they would not do stuff like that. It wastes my time and I sometimes think that they do it in an effort to just get the SR "answered"..... irrespective of the fact that the answer is about as helpful as fire ants in Florida.
It think it falls on us, as openers of an SR, to ensure that the reporting is accurate and correct. Granted, we pay for support and we can complain until the cows come home about how we should not have to do this, or do that, but in the end if we follow-up and ensure accuracy and appropriate grammar, etc we all benefit. That being said, I'll confess that there are times that I'm just so frustrated with the Analyst after working an SR that I just don''t want to have anything else to do with them.
Just my opinion, YMMV...
Robert G. Freeman
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
Received on Tue Mar 25 2008 - 14:52:28 CDT