Re: Rebooted servers and then ASM does not bring up
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:35:13 +0100
Message-ID: <>
We've recently hit bug #6163771 CANNOT MOUNT DISKGROUP DUE TO ORA-600
[KFCEMA02] on (but it applies to >= but < 11.2)
After reboot of one instance, asm was failing to start because one of
the diskgroups was corrupted due to this bug.
There is a note 6163771.8 that describes this bug and the only workaround it is "There is no workaround - the diskgroup needs to be recreated.".
Very bad thing about this issue is that, Oracle Support analyst was not able to reveal situation when it can happen, so I assume that it can happen anytime and to any diskgroup.
In our case we were lucky, because affected diskgroup was used only as flash recovery area, so we didn't had to do actual restore, just moved flash recovery area to another place and than recreated the diskgroup.
So, I think, there is billion + one case when RAC will not startup automagicaly.
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Bradd Piontek <> wrote:
> I've seen that as well. It depends.
> not really a question to be answered (i've currently got several SRs open)
> but if anyone knows of common issues with the OCR corruption that would be
> awesome. This has happened to us several times now. the diskgroup issue I
-- Best regards, Edgar Chupit callto://edgar.chupit -- on Tue Mar 25 2008 - 04:35:13 CDT