10g OEM emails with links
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:50:42 -0500
Message-ID: <7ED53A68952D3B4C9540B4EFA5C76E36045DFE0B@CWYMSX04.Corp.Acxiom.net>
I've got a problem related to emails coming out of OEM 10g. We're running a repository, OMS, and agent on RHEL 4 and have set up notifications for alert log messages. The problem is in the message text, values for "Target Name=" and "Metric" are sent has html links. That's not a huge problem by itself, but we all have Outlook rules set up to auto forward emails to our cell phones for certain cases. These OEM 10g email links get translated, so instead of seeing something like:
Target Name=dbname
Target Type=Database Instance
... the message on my cell phone is:
Target Name = https://server_name:1159/em/redirect?targetType=oracle_database&pageType=METRIC_DETAILS&timePeriod=byDay&targetName=dbname&metricColumn=pctUsed&metric=problemTbsp&keyValue=TEMP_TBS"
Target Type=Database Instance
And of course any relevent info is cut off due to the enormous translated link.
Anyone run into this issue and / or have any good ideas around it? I was thinking there may be a way to have the rule run a VB script to format the html into text, removing the link behind the scenes, but that brings up the small issue of not knowing VB.
Dave Herring, DBA | A c x i o m M I C S / C S O 630-944-4762 office | 630-430-5988 wireless | 630-944-4989 fax
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-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Fri Mar 21 2008 - 13:50:42 CDT