Re: Question re DataGuard
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:26:00 +1100
Message-ID: <>
Hello Bill
The last time I set this up, I used the Data Guard Broker (dgmgrl) and found it very easy to use, but I assume the results will be the same.
"does the managed recovery process persist through a restart of the standby database"
Yes, as long as you don't open the standby database. One problem can occur if you use the standard dbstart scripts to restart the database for example on server reboot. You should only mount (not open) the standby database.
"Is there a way other than querying the v$archived_log view to determine if the managed recovery process is in fact running"
Just force a logfile switch and check the alert log of the standby database. You will see the log being applied.
"Lastly, what are the ramification, if any, of issuing the command if the managed recovery process has already been started."
I don't think it has any ramifications, but I haven't tested this.
Some useful links for you:
Oracle10g Release 2, Data Guard Switchover and Failover best practices
Oracle 10g Release 2, Data Guard Fast-Start Failover best practices
(automatic database failover)
Oracle 10g Release 2, Client Failover Best Practices
On 18/03/2008, William Wagman <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am new to Data Guard. I'm running Oracle EE on 64-bit
> Windows Server 2003. I understand that the command
> SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;
> begins the managed recovery process when the standby is first created.
> My question, does the managed recovery process persist through a restart
> of the standby database? I am assuming it does but don't know how to
> determine that. That is my second question, Is there a way other than
> querying the v$archived_log view to determine if the managed recovery
> process is in fact running? Lastly, what are the ramification, if any,
> of issuing the command if the managed recovery process has already been
> started. I just restarted the standby database (unfortunately I issued
> the command before testing the status of the archived logs, I suppose I
> could do it again) at which time I issued the command and the response
> was database altered. I haven't really been able to find an answer to
> this question anywhere.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bill Wagman
> Univ. of California at Davis
> IET Campus Data Center
> (530) 754-6208
> --
-- on Mon Mar 17 2008 - 20:26:00 CDT