RE: Oracle DBA future

From: Best, David <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 18:21:58 -0400
Message-ID: <>

That's all fine and dandy if you have the $$ and time to train someone... But unfortunately, I've seen my share of companies which didn't invest in their employees as much as they should. I've also seen more problems with having technically incompetent members on a team, than a star who lacks inter-personal skills. But, I'll agree, having either one on your team can be bad... I have experienced both and neither one was enjoyable.  

Regardless, whether or not you're looking for someone with personal skills that is teachable or a technical star with personal skills you still have the same problem. You have to find them.  

From: Jeremy Schneider [] Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 3:52 PM
Cc: Best, David;; Subject: Re: Oracle DBA future    

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Niall Litchfield <> wrote:

I'm with the hiring manager. I'd rather have people in my team that could work sensibly and professionally with the other members of my team, than a technical star who wound everybody, both in the team and customers, up. Technical skills - as opposed to aptitude can be trained and usually justified fairly straightforwardly. Inter-personal skills are a whole different ball game.

I agree with this 100%. I can teach somebody how databases and clusters work but I can't teach them to be teachable. And no matter how smart someone is, there's always new technology and more to learn. Every single one of us is in process - still growing - throughout our entire careers. I don't mind someone a little earlier on the path - provided that they're moving down it and not standing still.

Jeremy Schneider
Chicago, IL
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Received on Mon Mar 17 2008 - 17:21:58 CDT

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