RE: why are these different..
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:19:28 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Part of the problem is that there are multiple statusid's associated
with a periodid/projectnumber/changedate combo. ...but there is a
different number of rows being returned that I don't understand.
[] On Behalf Of Stephens, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 4:06 PM
To: Oracle-L Freelists
Subject: why are these different..
This might show my lack of sql understanding but I'm trying to rewrite a query to prevent an extra scan of a table. The original query looks like:
select ps2.periodID, ps2.projectNumber, ps2.changeDate, ps3.statusID
from ( select p.periodID, ps.projectNumber, max(ps.changeDate) as changeDate
from period p, projectStatus ps
where ps.changeDate >= trunc( p.startDate )
and trunc( ps.changeDate ) <= p.endDate
group by p.periodID, ps.projectNumber ) ps2, projectStatus ps3
where ps2.projectNumber = ps3.projectNumber and ps2.changeDate = ps3.changeDate
my attempt to rewrite:
select distinct p.periodid,
first_value(ps.changedate) over (partition by p.periodid, ps.projectnumber order by ps.changedate desc) changedate,
first_value(ps.statusid) over (partition by p.periodid, ps.projectnumber order by ps.changedate desc) statusid
from period p,
projectstatus ps
where ps.changedate >= trunc(p.startdate) and
trunc( ps.changeDate ) <= p.endDate
the results are different though.
Anyone see why they are different?
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-- on Tue Mar 11 2008 - 16:19:28 CDT