Re: LMTs
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:35:01 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Hi Shah,
I'm not convinced that I'm any more likely to run out of space if my alert is configured for 95% space usage or space used being within 5% of a calculated max value. I entirely agree that the more databases and the more tablespaces that you have the more difficult monitoring becomes - and the more attractive automating space management becomes, but I'm always going to have limits on
- filesystem size
- tape capacity
- backup window duration
- filesystem size on clone databases
- filesystem size on standbys
I'm sure there are others, which is why my personal preference is for fixed size datafiles and manual intervention. That said I *only* have 29 Oracle databases to monitor - though that does include 8 apps ones! I'm sure that others will have significantly more.
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:32 PM, <> wrote:
> Niall,
> Only problem in setting autoextensible to off is if you run out space in
> middle of business day, some transactions will fail and rest will be the
> history......
> In large environment with many production database, with many more
> tablespaces it becomes difficult to monitor and maintain manually to make
> sure each tablespace has enough free space. I am using all tablespace
> autoextensible with fixed upper limit. I also have set up monitoring (patrol
> in my case) to send e-mail any time any tablespace is autoextended and
> mobile alert when actual size is within 5% of maxsize. If any tablespace has
> multiple datafile, I have kept only one datafile as autoextensible.
> Mayen Shah
> *"Niall Litchfield" <>*
> Sent by:
> Mar 11 2008 05:37 AM Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: LMTs
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Joe Smith <**<>>
> wrote:
> DATAFILE '/FS/data_s01.dbf' size 2000m autoextend on next 1m maxsize
> 12000m,
> '/FS/data_s02.dbf' size 2000m autoextend on next 1m maxsize
> 12000m
> How do you control the size of LMTs.
> If I remove the "autoextend on next 1m" I can't use the "maxsize" keyword.
> How do I restrict the size of the datafiles for LMTs
> Hey Joe (always wanted to say that sorry)
> You have a choice. Either you want the datafiles to grow as needed and
> limit the total size to which they can grow - i.e to be autoextensible -
> in which case it makes sense that you need both the amount by which to grow
> each time and the absolute limit. Alternatively you know how big you want
> them to be and you just specify the fixed size for the datafile (no
> autoextension at all).
> I happen to prefer the latter - not least because it then becomes easy to
> tell when you are running out of space in a tablespace (how much free space
> is left), whereas when the datafiles are autoextensible it's very easily to
> miscalculate how full a tablespace is. I also like to change control space
> operations because they have an impact on clones, backups dataguard space
> requirements and so on. If you do prefer to let Oracle handle the growth
> then I'd suggest a rather larger next size than 1m. Once you get to 2gb of
> data every time you add 1mb more data you'll be growing the datafile which
> is a lot of growth operations. You'll also likely cause more filesystem
> fragmentation - though you might not care about that.
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA*
> *** <>
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Tue Mar 11 2008 - 10:35:01 CDT