Re: Listener issue on oracle 10g RAC

From: Jason Heinrich <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 14:20:41 -0600
Message-ID: <>

It looks like you have one instance auto-registering under several different service names. Can you connect to a different service, or do they all give the same error?

Have a look at Metalink note 240710.1. Is your database particularly busy? It seems there was a problem with the listener and automatically registered instances, where under heavy load the listener could think that the instance could not handle anymore connections, and returned the error you are seeing. The solution is to increase your PROCESSES parameter in the database.

Google "ORA-12516": it has a few good results.

On 3/5/08, Harvinder Singh <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are not able to connect to RAC instance unless we stop the listener using
> svrctl command and restart it again using lsnrctl command,
> Do I need to add anything in tnsnames.ora files since out listener name is
> listener_dev-rhas2 and not listener?

Jason Heinrich
Received on Wed Mar 05 2008 - 14:20:41 CST

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