Re: os authenticated accounts

From: Roman Podshivalov <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 11:02:29 -0500
Message-ID: <>


If you are using os authenticated account for the only reason they can connect like "connect /" and you are on 10g OCI client I would recommend you to review Oracle Secure External Password Store feature. It's covered by EE license. By implementing it you can hide password management from the application completely and provide functionality to connect to the database by issuing "connect /@<YOUR_DB>" syntax. Here you can find more details about it.


On 3/3/08, Joe Smith <> wrote:
> Is it possible to use OS authenticated accounts ( i.e. identified
> externally ) between two servers?
> I have a linux box with with an oracle client install and an aix server
> with EE installed.
> The external account was originally on the aix server. We want to move
> the 3rd party app and the account to a linux box.
> thanks.
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Received on Wed Mar 05 2008 - 10:02:29 CST

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