Re: RMAN innocent bystanders killed on linux

From: Niall Litchfield <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:21:07 +0000
Message-ID: <>


Which kernel are you running? uname -r.
We've hit similar issues with 2.4.21-53. My understanding however is that if the OOM killer gets invoked then which processes it kills is up to it, and not you - so yes innocent bystanders may well get hurt.

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Howard Latham <> wrote:

> I am trying to duplicate a 10g database to a new host.
> Host has 28Gig of memory it is running REDHAT Enterprise.
> It reads approx 10 X 2 gig backup slices then Redhat's out of memory
> utility kicks in and kills the new database AND an innocent bystander
> database
> Both DBs generate a PMON 471 Error.
> I watched the memory with free and the process did not use up all the
> memory -
> I also have 28Gig of swap.
> I have logged a TAR but Oracle have gone rather quiet!
> Howard A. Latham
> IT Infrastructure Manager
> RSMB Television Research Ltd,
> The Communications Building,
> 48 Leicester Square,
> London. WC2H 7LT
> Registered in England 2173860
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> ------------------------------
> *From:* Howard Latham
> *Sent:* 26 February 2008 16:36
> *To:* ''
> *Subject:* RMAN
> I am getting a PMON 471 when duplicating a database is this a bug?
> its 10g on REDHAT
> Howard A. Latham
> IT Infrastructure Manager
> RSMB Television Research Ltd,
> The Communications Building,
> 48 Leicester Square,
> London. WC2H 7LT
> Registered in England 2173860
> Registered in England No. 3266277
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> <>

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

Received on Wed Feb 27 2008 - 10:21:07 CST

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