Re: impdp one user only

From: Bradd Piontek <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:04:03 -0600
Message-ID: <>

All that is going to accomplish is remapping a schema. REMAP_SCHEMA is for takig sa USER1's opbjects and importing them into USER2 (fromuser,touser in the old imp world).

At a minimum you need to provide a SCHEMAS clause.

I suggest starting with the Part 1 Datapump chapter in the Oracle Database Utilities documentation. Some decent examples and explains all the parameters and their users. Also maps some common parameters back to the imp/exp world.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 1:58 PM, J. Dex <> wrote:

> I want to do an import into a user's schema using impdp from a full
> export done with expdp. I am confused by the syntax though. I used this
> but then it seems to import the entire database. What do I need to change
> or what am I missing?
> Impdp system/<pwd>@<SID> dumpfile=<export_name>.dmp directory=my_dir
> logfile=<logfile_name.log> encryption_password=<encrypt_pwd>
> REMAP_SCHEMA=username.username buffer=262144000
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Received on Thu Feb 14 2008 - 14:04:03 CST

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