Re: Create standby DB non-ASM, non_OMF from Primary ASM and OMF
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:40:34 -0700
Message-ID: <>
I like using the dbms_file_transfer package to build standby databases.
Most of the time for me shipping tapes is not an option. It also works
great for moving things in & out, out & in, and around within ASM.
When you transfer the datafiles give them a non OMF name on the output side and then do "rename" commands on the standby side.,339028441,339280831,00.htm
...and my favorite...
On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 8:27 PM, neil campbell <> wrote:
> Hi
> I am having a bit of a mental block !
> Primary is on ASM and using OMF, i want to create a standby that
> does not use ASM and OMF, and i'm (trying to) use RMAN DUPLICATE
> When creating the standby, I dont think I can use DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT as
> in :- DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT = '+DATADG', '/u02'
> The result would be a filename being converted from something like
> +DATADG/datafile/system.259.639693489 to
> /u02/ora/datafile/system.259.639693489
> When I really want the datafile to be something like
> /u02/oradata/stdby/system01.dbf'
> I could during the RMAN duplicate, use a run block to run SET NEWNAME,
> which would rename each of the datafiles to the format I want,
> but then, what would happen when a new file is added to the primary, how
> would that be propagated to the standby ?
> Is there a way around this, or do i have to go from OMF to OMF ?
> Cheers
> Neil
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-- on Wed Feb 13 2008 - 22:40:34 CST