RE: High "log file sync" Waits in Statspack, - Online Redo Logs on Mounted File system of SAN Storage

From: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 02:42:41 -0700
Message-ID: <00aa01c854ff$7adbd4c0$6401a8c0@BHAIRAVIPC01>


Multi block read count: Since, this is an OLTP work load, as a generalization, you should not be affected by it significantly. If you are being affected, you should look at the SQL.

ASYNC IO: I don't prefer the simulation of kaio with threaded io for file systems. Are you running file systems or ASM? If not, you should consider ASM for its benefits. I prefer to run my systems on file systems with direct io and ASM with async io. I wonder if this is causing the %sys to be inflated.

In Solaris 10 WIO is reported as Idle so you could be IO bound, you have to look at sql traces and iostat

Krish Hariharan
President/Executive Architect, Quasar Database Technologies, LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of VIVEK_SHARMA
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 1:40 AM To:; Subject: RE: High "log file sync" Waits in Statspack, - Online Redo Logs on Mounted File system of SAN Storage

Thanks Richa, folks for the support & related Link(Kevin Closson's)

% System CPU usage is about DOUBLE of %User CPU usage:-

Qs What could be the possible cause?

NOTE - db_file_multi_block_read_count was NOT set by Oversight & defaulted to a value of 98. Could this be a probable cause?

Qs Should LGWR process be set to a Higher CPU priority(using renice) since 60% of the CPU power is FREE/Unused?
NOTE - cpu_count=80

Solaris 10

From Statspack - NON-RAC setup (Oracle

Host CPU (CPUs: 80)

~~~~~~~~ Load Average

Begin End User System Idle WIO WCPU

  • ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
                9.13    1.79

               16.35   23.30   60.35    0.00    2.79

Additional replies to your questions, are given below prefixed by "=>"


From: [] Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 8:11 AM To: VIVEK_SHARMA
Subject: Re: High "log file sync" Waits in Statspack, - Online Redo Logs on Mounted File system of SAN Storage

Are you using asyncIO for DBWR?

disk_async_io=TRUE (Default)

How many sessions were active during the run?


How long was the run in wallclock time?

45 minutes

What is the priority of the Oracle processes?

=> Default [Higher priority (using renice) NOT set yet.]


During a Benchmark Run of OLTP Transactions very High "log file sync" wait is occuring
Storage Box - Sun StoreEdge 9990V (Hitachi SAN) Online Redo logfiles exist on Mounted Filesystem on a LUN / Volume of 4+4 Hard Disks , (RAID 1+0 Type)
Hard Disk - 15 K RPM
Storage Cache - 128 GB
Online Redo Logfile size 750 MB
log_buffer= 4M

Solaris 10

Qs On the Storage Box, should a few of its HBA Controllers & respective Ports be assigned dedicatedly only to the online Redo LUN / Volume? Qs Should Online Redo Logiles be moved to RAW Devices on the SAN Storage? Qs Any advisable init.ora parameters?

Qs How should this issue be approached?

Will share Statspack as needed

Cheers & Thanks


Top 5 Timed Events                                                 Avg
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                 wait
Event                                     Waits        Time (s)    (ms)
  • ------------ ----------- ------
log file sync                             3,511,274    328,288     93

SQL*Net break/reset to client 732,491 49,120 67 11.0

CPU time 31,699 7.1

latch: virtual circuit queues 1,099,453 10,695 10 2.4

db file parallel write                    3,253,478    9,535       3

Host CPU (CPUs: 80)

~~~~~~~~ Load Average

Begin End User System Idle WIO WCPU

  • ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
                9.13    1.79

               16.35   23.30   60.35    0.00    2.79

Load Profile     Per Second Per  Transaction

~~~~~~~~~~~~     --------------- ---------------

Redo size:       3,143,457.88    4,121.10


Block changes: 15,320.88 20.09


Physical writes: 2,176.56 2.85

User calls: 14,769.89 19.36


Logons: 3.55 0.00

Executes: 12,950.32 16.98

Transactions: 762.77

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Received on Sat Jan 12 2008 - 03:42:41 CST

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