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Since these files are not that important since they can be deleted after 6
hours? can you just create subdirectory and move all the files to the
subdirectory and then every 6 hours remove the files in the subdirectory and
then move the files from the parent directory?
rm /.../parent/subdir/*
mv /.../parent/*.ext /.../parent/subdir/
From: []
On Behalf Of Ajay Thotangare
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 1:53 PM
To: Remigiusz Sokolowski
Subject: Re: Deleting files from O/S older than 6 hours
Yes, I am using this option now.
Another problem is get the date/time for creating file 6hours before time.
Currently I managed to do this by doing to_char(sysdate-6/24,'mmddhh24mi') in sqlplus and getting value in unix shell variable. Is there any way I can minus 6 hours from current date/time in unix and get in format mmddhh24mi ?
Thanks for your help
Remigiusz Sokolowski <> wrote:
Ajay Thotangare wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using following command to delete files from o/s older than 24 hours.
> /usr/bin/find /u01/log/*.log -mtime +0 -exec ls -l {} \;
> Is there any way I can delete files older than 6 hours. I am using
> HP-UNIX. I tried using
> /usr/bin/find /u01/log/*.log -mtime +0.4 -exec ls -l {} \;
> Above command does not work.
may be there is option -newer on HP-UX (I don't have any such box here)
- if so, one can touch fake file with proper time
Then find will operate on files newer than fake file
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