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Oracle-L: by subject
- [Q] Online rebuild index danger or NOT???
- accurately reporting pga size in solaris.
- filtering through port 1521
- getting users passwords in plain text
- Intermittent 421 errors using UTL_SMTP
- Link procedure to sql statement in v$sqlarea
- Linking Oracle Apps accounts to employee
- Math Question - with Respect to filesystem Allocatations
- Oracle JDBC Thin over SSL
- Reorg to put columns in order
- why ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS and ESTD_PHYSICAL_READ_TIME are not change in the same scale in v$db_cache_advice
- Last message date: Mon Oct 22 2007 - 23:40:50 CDT
- Archived on: Thu Nov 01 2007 - 01:10:01 CDT