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Well I assume the Sparc IV+ CPU is faster than SparcIV one.
That is correct.
We do not use ASMM because there is still an open bug in where MMAN hangs and brings the whole instance to its knees and in this case with ASMM the shared pool used to grow to 20G (sga_target 60G)
Tanel Poder <> wrote:
Well I assume the Sparc IV+ CPU is faster than Sparc IV one.
Which could mean that your shared pool fragmentation could drop as cursors are held pinned for shorter time ( credit for that info goes to Anjo Kolk )
Which could mean that your shared pool has less memory pressure.
Which could mean that the automatic SGA memory manager may decide to use more memory for buffer cache than before
Which could mean that more blocks stay resident in buffer cache and for longer time
Which could mean that CKPT decides to switch on physical read prefetching
Which could mean that whole IO goes actually a lot slower
Which could mean to management, that faster CPUs make systems slower, thus you need more slower CPUs :)
Environment: 8 node RAC on Solaris Sun sparc 9 64 bit Database : RAC
Customer is upgrading CPU boards from Sparc IV to Sparc IV pluses. There is no change in the number of cpus.
Assuming there is no collection of system stats (which could thus affect query plans) can anyone think of any other doing this upgrade...
Also is anyone out there using Sparc IV pluses.
Fairlie Rego
Senior Oracle Consultant
M: +61 402 792 405
-- on Thu Aug 16 2007 - 17:39:50 CDT