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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: OEM or lots of code?
Robert Freeman wrote:
> In this new book, I'm considering biasing my coverage to OEM for a few
> reasons:
> 1. OEM is less complex to use.
> 2. Adding coverage for both will take up many more pages. When you are
> writing a book you are limited to a page count range, so depth is limited
> based on this too.
> 3. The Code route, in and of itself, can be complex. I'm not sure if it's
> worth the extra time to add the code in some cases just because of this
> complexity.
> I'm wondering if anyone who has used these features or suspect they will use
> them in the future has a preference. In some cases, if page count allows,
> I'll do both. In some cases I need to select either/or due to page count
> considerations. In the past, I've been very heavily code oriented and really
> relegated OEM to the background, but now I'm thinking of moving in the other
> direction.
> Thoughts??
> RF
Usually I (as a customer) require few things in good book - some value
added over documentation.
It sometimes means exactly an explaination of complex things in clear way.
And certainly not description of "every" page of OEM - I do not read
them for example, what would be really interested are procedures to
diagnose SQL (using OEM), to set Data Guard working, etc - more in a way
of O'Reilly "... Cookbooks".
just my 3 cents, hope book will be good :-) Remigiusz
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Remigiusz Sokolowski <> WP/PTI/DIP/ZAB (+04858) 52 15 770 MySQL v04.x,05.x; Oracle v10.x Zastrzezenie: Niniejsza wiadomosc stanowi jedynie wyraz prywatnych pogladow autora i nie jest w zadnym wypadku zwiazana ze stanowiskiem przedsiebiorstwa Wirtualna Polska S.A. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIRTUALNA POLSKA SA, ul. Traugutta 115c, 80-226 Gdansk; NIP: 957-07-51-216; Sad Rejonowy Gdansk-Polnoc KRS 0000068548, kapital zakladowy 62.880.024 zlotych (w calosci wplacony) -- on Mon Jul 09 2007 - 02:09:23 CDT
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