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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: TOAD Access to other Schemas
I agree with Tony. One thing you could do is run a 10046 trace on their
session and let them try clicking on a few things they want to do. Then look
through the trace file to see what TOAD is trying to do in the database. You
might be able to hone in on exactly which privileges they need using this
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Tony van Lingen
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: TOAD Access to other Schemas
I've got to differ with Peter here. We've come from a situation where developers had DBA access in dev. As Raj already hinted, this lead to liberal use of DBA privileges in the applications they produced and we ended up to have to grant the application owners in Prod the DBA privs as well. This is *BAD* for all kinds of reasons (applications that let users change database parameters on the fly for instance).
We went through a long and painful process of weaning both the production users and developers off that blanket access. Bottomline: You really don't want developers to develop production applications whilst having DBA access.
TOAD will show all objects that a user has access to in all schemas. There is no reason to have DBA access, unless they intend to use the database tuning capabilities that TOAD also has... and you really don't want your developers to do that.
Peter McLarty wrote:
> Denise
> Tell your developers to go jump
> Now what they probably want is DBA privileges and that is debatable
> for them as it seems you don't have anyone with the level of
> experience to be trusted.
> You can grant them select on any table to see table data in other
> schemas ok in a true development environment. If you have a copy of
> your production data with sensitive information like payroll details
> then I would say no.
> Find out what they are trying to do, they have access to a lot of
> objects now it is default in normal user security.
> Maybe on a server even the same one install a copy of the XE database
> and give them dba rights there and tell them if they break it you will
> fix it be reinstalling the database ie they loose everything and let
> them learn from their mistakes there.
> I let trusted developers have DBA privileges in true development
> system ie it has the schema of prod with dummy or limited data.
> Cheers
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2007 08:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: TOAD Access to other Schemas
> I have some users who want the dynamic ability of TOAD for development.
> In particular they want to be able to see any objects under any other
> schema.
> They say that they need to be granted SYSDBA. Is this truly the only
> way to give these users the access they want under TOAD?
> Denise Gwinn
> --
> --
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