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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> dropping Undo Tablespace
Hi all,
Hope all is well.
I have an issue with dropping undo tablespace. I am running Oracle 9i on Solaris 9. On one of our production database, our UNDO tablespace datafiles have autoextend ON, so they have increased in size to about 30G now and have filled up the file system. To get around this problem, i have created a new UNDO tablespace and switched the database to use this 2nd UNDO tablespace. The undo_retention is set to 7200 (sec). It has already been 2 days since i performed the switch and my alert log is still being flooded with " Undo Tablespace 1 Moved to Pending Switch-Out state" . Following is detailed process that i followed,
SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs_2 datafile '/u10/oradata/testdb/undo_00.dbf' size 10240M autoextend off; SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs_2 scope=both;
Now, i fired the below query to see if any undo segments of the first undo tablespace(undotbs_1) are still online,
SQL> select, b.status from v$rollname a, v$rollstat b where in (select segment_name from dba_segments
where tablespace_name='UNDOTBS_1') and a.usn=b.usn;
NAME STATUS ---------- ----------
I have getting this from previous two days. I gone through the metalink id: 341372.1 that speaks about this Switch out state and gave two queries to find as what transactions are currently using the Undo tablespace. Following is the output from these two queries,
SQL> select ADDR, XIDUSN,STATUS, START_TIME from v$transaction;
ADDR XIDUSN STATUS START_TIME ----- ------- ------ ---------- 00000001E347B320 20 ACTIVE 05/27/07 09:13:2500000001E1231E38 34 ACTIVE 05/31/07 16:22:31 00000001E7VD4F48 37 ACTIVE 05/27/07 23:15:09 00000001E8DFARE8 16 ACTIVE 05/30/07 05:33:54 00000001E1006928 4 ACTIVE 05/29/07 11:02:07 SQL>SELECT a.usn,,b.status,e.sid, e.serial# ,d.addr FROM v$rollname a, v$rollstat b,dba_rollback_segs c, v$transaction d,v$session e WHERE a.usn=b.usn AND AND a.usn=d.xidusn AND d.addr=e.taddrAND b.status in ('PENDING OFFLINE','UNKNOWN');
USN NAME STATUS SID SERIAL# ADDR --- ------- -------- --- ---- ----- 20 _SYSSMU20$ UNKNOWN 22 67 00000001E347B320 37 _SYSSMU37$ UNKNOWN 16 13425 00000001E7VD4F484 _SYSSMU4$ PENDING OFFLINE 34 2121 00000001E1006928 It has been almost 2 days these 3 transactions have started and still running. I wanted to drop the first UNDO tablespace ones all transactions have been completed and all segments are offline but these 3 transactions are preventing this. The only option i see here is to kill the session (22,16,34), which will offline all the undo segments and then drop the first undo tablespace. This is a production box, so just wanted to confirm with you. Is it safe to go ahead and kill the session? is there any other work around in this case for dropping the first undo tablespace.
-- on Thu May 31 2007 - 13:53:23 CDT
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