Wow. That's an interesting one.
Some Q's:
- Can I assume that you also tried the same queries, specifically
from devx to t1_at_testx without the encryption being turned on for t1?
(Just to rule out other possibilities).
- Have you also tried the same query with TDE turned ON both tables?
- Have you tried other forms of the queries just to narrow the
problem down? E.g.:
select a.c1 from t2 a, oracle.t1_at_testx b where a.c1 = b.c1
select a.c1 from t2 a, oracle.t1_at_testx b where a.c1 != b.c1
select c1 from t2 where c1 not in (select distinct c1 from
- Have you tried the same query against testx from a different DB
other than devx?
- What version of Oracle is devx? What version of Oracle is testx?
- What OS/HW platform are both DB's?
| Roby Sherman ( r x s h e r m @ i n t e r e a l m . c o m )
| DBA, Architect, Computer Scientist, Pain in the keister
| A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog
without bricks tied to it's head
Received on Tue May 22 2007 - 19:21:59 CDT