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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Run command on sqlplus repetitively without reconnection
On 5/21/07, David Taft <> wrote:
> I am got the following error when I tried to download from that link:
> The requested URL /downloads/sqlshell<em>scripts.tgz was not found on this
> server.
Someone else beat you to it, already fixed. :)
Also, usually when troubleshooting problems in production, I will run some
> query(s) and then have to keep hitting the forward-slash/enter to monitor
> for changes. At the same time I am usually running SQL in one or two
> other xterm windows to troubleshoot the problem. I hope to use
> the coprocessing script to monitor for these various changes
> without continuous manual interaction (or at least this is what I hope to
> accomplish). Depending on the problem, I should be able to plug in the
> customized SQL, while the rest of the code remains the same .
Let us know if you find something useful for it.
-- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist -- on Mon May 21 2007 - 17:47:09 CDT