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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Embarasing question ....
thanks for that. The problem I'm having doesn't have DDL run on anything (production database) but something did cause a pile of indexes to go invalid (under DBA_OBJECTS) but left them showing up as valid under DBA_INDEXES - that's where I got caught out!
These are 'user defined indexes' in that they are based on an index type and there is object type body that 'appears' to contain the code for using (abusing) said indexes based on the index type. I've never done that sort of stuff before, so I've (currently) got no idea what's going on.
I've been given a script to rebuild these indexes and that has worked ok, and the system is working fine now - but I'm worried about what made it break in the first place.
>> "Rumpi Gravenstein" <> 05/11/07 06:15PM >>>
>> I've seen similar issues. In my case the problem was in having had
run DDL
>> (grants) through that causes a revalidation of associated objects.
If an
Norman Dunbar.
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-- on Mon May 14 2007 - 10:30:57 CDT
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