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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: problems with memory
Shivaswamy Raghunath wrote:
> Do we know which process consumed high memry? What it was doing?
well, I suppose that there was no particular process, which consumed
most of memory. Before terminating instance we found
failed to start shared server, oer=0
found dead shared server 'S002', pid = (146, 156)
found dead shared server 'S017', pid = (289, 182)
Wed May 9 15:03:58 2007
Errors in file /opt/oracle/admin/ANDRO8i/bdump/andro8i_pmon_24870.trc:
ORA-04031: nie mo<BF>na przydzieli<E6> 2104 bajt<F3>w pami<EA>ci
wsp<F3>lnej ("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap(1,0)","SHARED
Wed May 9 15:03:58 2007
PMON: terminating instance due to error 4031
Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 24870
so it seems the instance was in need to get some memory in shared pool,
but this memory was allocated let's say to buffer cache. Earlier we got
similar errors but to user processes, so there was not much pain, and
problem solved itself (probably ASMM was notified that there is lack of
memory in some particular pool and "moved" it from another one). This
time we had less luck.
> I have been using Auto Memory Management for a while now on our DSS
> DBs, without much issues. Only issue I have is when people do bulk
> collect with wrong limit/s.
well, as I mentioned, our database is OLTP, so with more turbulent
requirements for memory in different pools - that is why I suppose ASMM
doesn't work well
Charles sent some tips on metalink notes on details to this issue, so I would "deep" into it.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Remigiusz Sokolowski <> WP/PTI/DIP/ZAB (+04858) 52 15 770 MySQL v04.x,05.x; Oracle v10.x Zastrzezenie: Niniejsza wiadomosc stanowi jedynie wyraz prywatnych pogladow autora i nie jest w zadnym wypadku zwiazana ze stanowiskiem przedsiebiorstwa Wirtualna Polska S.A. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIRTUALNA POLSKA SA, ul. Traugutta 115c, 80-226 Gdansk; NIP: 957-07-51-216; Sad Rejonowy Gdansk-Polnoc KRS 0000068548, kapital zakladowy 62.880.024 zlotych (w calosci wplacony) -- on Thu May 10 2007 - 02:26:27 CDT
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