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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Request for Peer Reviews: Oracle Services Research Paper
Hey everyone –
I just finished putting together a research paper about Oracle services and I'd like to know if you could help my out by reviewing it.
I haven't yet seen any single paper that really focuses on services in depth and covers all of their different aspects, even though they're a very important part of Oracle databases today. This paper aims to be a complete, in-depth review covering every aspect of their interaction with Oracle. It's a little dense and lengthy but I believe it will be useful.
I would really appreciate any feedback, particularly on technical content.
The paper will only be available until Friday so if you are going to review it you must grab it this week. You can login as reviewer/reviewer07 to access the file.
Abstract—Performance management and high availability have become
base requirements for today's enterprise relational database
management systems. In Oracle databases users create "services" to
meet these challenges and those services touch almost every aspect
of database configuration. This paper presents a broad yet thorough
exploration and explanation of every aspect of services for both
and cluster (RAC) databases.
-- Jeremy Schneider Chicago, IL -- on Wed May 09 2007 - 16:00:05 CDT