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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> tcp.nodelay - does it apply for Oracle 10g?
I have found Metalink note number 71921.1. The note has this
disclaimer..."This notes applies to anyone facing intermittent SQL*Net
read and write error
when using Oracle SQL*Net or Net8 on Windows platforms." - but I can not
find anything for Oracle 10g and know this parameter did work in Oracle
9i UNIX databases.
We are running Oracle on release 11.11 of HP-UX - 64 bit O/S and Oracle binaries.
According to the note, we can create a protocol.ora file in $TNS_ADMIN and add an entry to the file, but I can not find whether this still applies to Oracle 10g.
Does anyone have hands on with this to know if it really works for an Oracle 10g databases?
(Background - we were told by SAP to implement this parameter for our application servers in order to reduce certain response time delays application servers would experience when communicating with the database server. We are now trying to help some performance woes for a third party application with an architecture similar to SAP.)
Thanks in advance.
Bill Johnson
From Metalink note 71921.1...
This parameter may be added to the PROTOCOL.ORA file in the NETWORK\ADMIN directory.
In most cases, TCP/IP data sent across the network is buffered until at
least a complete network packet can be send. This means that in certain
cases, commands are not issued directly, and kept buffered until some other
data can be sent as well. This has the potential to generate time-outs and
errors. To avoid this, the delay can be switched off.
tcp.nodelay = yes
-- on Wed May 09 2007 - 08:14:55 CDT