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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RMAN without a repository and a total site loss
I think you are correct. This is interesting though as I have also been reading along in Robert Freeman's book and he says on page 96 that "automated backup can only be to disk, tape is not supported." Finding the note in the Oracle docs indicating that either is supported clarifies the issue. I think I finally see the light.
Bill Wagman
Univ. of California at Davis
IET Campus Data Center
(530) 754-6208
-----Original Message-----
From: Allen, Brandon []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:59 PM
To: William Wagman;
Subject: RE: RMAN without a repository and a total site loss
That only applies to the autobackups after structural changes. I'm more concerned with the autobackups after other backup activities, in which case the controlfile autobackup goes to the first channel allocated, which is tape in my case. For more detail see the sections at the bottom of this page under "When RMAN Performs Control File Autobackups": onc1006.htm#BRADV111
I'm not positive, but I think that in the example given below, you would have to set the controlfile autobackup format for the restore to match the format used for the backup in order for rman to find it in a non-default directory. I'm not sure why anyone would want to change the format of the controlfile autobackups on disk to a non-default location - seems like asking for trouble to me. I guess it would be okay as long as it was well documented and known by all DBAs that they were stored in an alternate location.
-----Original Message-----
From: William Wagman []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:09 PM
To: Allen, Brandon;
Subject: RE: RMAN without a repository and a total site loss
Ok, this is beginning to make sense but of course leads to one additional piece which is unclear to me. As I understand it the default location for autobackup pieces is the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory (as I understand it that is true regardless of whether or not a catalog or the controlfile is used as the repository). If one were to do the following...
Such that the location is no longer the default is it also unnecessary to specify the location when doing a restore from autobackup? If I am understanding you correctly it sounds like the restore from autobackup will find it wherever? I think that is the piece I am missing. Unless specified as part of the restore, how does RMAN know where to look for the piece containing the autobackups? Don't I still have to know where it is?
Bill Wagman
Univ. of California at Davis
IET Campus Data Center
(530) 754-6208
-----Original Message-----
From: Allen, Brandon []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:16 PM
To: William Wagman;
Subject: RE: RMAN without a repository and a total site loss
I think there is a key point you may be missing. In your example you have to know that you backed up the file to '/somedisk/ctrlfile.bak' in order to restore it. In case of tape backups, you would need to know the handle of the backup piece on tape, and that information isn't always readily available, especially after a disk failure when you have lost your recovery catalog and/or control files and your backup logs.
The "restore ... from autobackup" commands can find the spfile & control file in your tape library w/o any knowledge other than your dbid.
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-- on Wed Apr 18 2007 - 18:54:07 CDT
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