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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: auditing actions
We typically only "audit session" in our shop unless there is justification to audit further. The script I run most frequently checks for failed login attempts. If you keep a lot of audit data online, as we do, then you will want to limit your return set. I do this with the v_totsessid and v_maxsessid variables. Just adjust the value of v_totsessid to go back further in time. The right value for v_totsessid varies by database instance depending on how heavily it is accessed, so you just have to experiment.
Also, this logic can be added to any aud$ script, just be sure to include the define statements, the "COLUMN maxsessid NEW_VALUE v_maxsessid" and the "SESSIONID > (&&v_maxsessid-&&v_totsessid)" in your WHERE clause.
David Taft
define v_totsessid=200000;
define v_maxsessid=0;
COLUMN maxsessid NEW_VALUE v_maxsessid
select max(SESSIONID) as maxsessid
from aud$;
spool audit_failed_logins
select 'Date of first sessionid: '||to_char(timestamp#,'MM/DD/YY')
from aud$
where sessionid = (&&v_maxsessid-&&v_totsessid);
set feedback on pagesize 999
userid ,terminal ,spare1 os_user ,to_char(timestamp#,'MM/DD/YY.HH24:MI:SS') login --,to_char(logoff$time,'MM/DD/YY.HH24:MI:SS') logoff ,returncode code
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Smith []
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 1:58 PM
Subject: auditing actions
Can you join aud$ and audit_actions to pull useful information?
select count(*), a.action#,, a.obj$name
from sys.aud$ a, audit_actions aa
where a.action# = aa.action
group by a.action#,, a.obj$name
Is this the correct join for sys.aud$?
Is this what most people do to pull then number of actions (i.e. select ,
update, ..)
from the aud$ table with name value and object (obj$name)?
Received on Tue Apr 17 2007 - 12:40:27 CDT
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