I'll respond to the last few posts for this topic in one.
- The dbid shouldn't be switching unless you switch it. Resetlogs
or recreation of a controlfile shouldn't change this (not to say that
you can't force it to change if you really wanted to though...) So if
you have it once, you should 'have it'. In Andrew's example, yes, you
will also need to know the exact format that RMAN used to autobackup the
controlfile (the utility needs to identify the controlfile... it won't
scan your disk for you). The potential downfall is that this value can
be changed with the configure command.
- Regardless... if your backupsets are on tape (and got there via
RMAN sbt), then the 3rd party catalog should tell you what tapes it
needs for the restore. However... if you've backed up your RMAN disk
backups to tape without RMAN knowing about it... then you won't know
which backup (assuming you mean backupsets) to restore... (that's the
cost of not paying the 3rd party vendor's Oracle license fees), but the
controlfile will. So once you've got the controlfile restored, then you
can query the v$ backup tables to find out which sets are needed.
- I don't think you can set the control_file_record_keep_time
parameter to 1000 days (max should be 1year).
- The control file can get fairly large... and that can affect
functions that update the controlfile (rman backups, standby/dataguard
actions, log switches, etc...), but I was more concerned about simply
having headroom. If the mountpoint that just one of your controlfiles
lives on hits 100%... you've locked or crashed your instance (depends on
OS... I think). You'd think that this would be rare since only "a few
Mb"... but you'd be surprised how many people have their controlfiles on
the same mountpoints as their datafiles and they maximize their datafile
space availability by packing them in to just shy of 100% disk space
usage (clarification: I'm not arguing packing in the datafiles to almost
100%... I'm arguing controlfiles living in the same place).
- If you REALLY want to know how large your controlfile can be...
start playing with a lab instance, add lots of small datafiles, do lots
of backups, etc... other init parameters increase the size too (eg.
- My favorite solution to your original question is to backup
controlfile copies with (after) your backupsets (and necessary
archivedlogs). Then (the basics) on restore (if current controlfile is
too old), you can pick up the controlfile copy and place it where your
init specifies, startup mount, (query for & restore the backupsets if
you've bypassed the 3rd party licenses), restore database;(rman),
recover database;(rman).
From: oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org
[mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 3:10 PM
To: Allen, Brandon; oracle-l_at_freelists.org
Subject: RE: RMAN without a repository
yes, but I still have to know a sufficiently old DBID to pick the right
controlfile to restore and I would need to know which backup to restore.
Received on Tue Apr 10 2007 - 19:01:29 CDT