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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Coalescing Indxes on a regular basis
Only on indexes belonging to the AQ queues (I don't know whether this is
supported or not by the way, even if it seems a relatively safe
operation to me). I started doing that after noticing hundreds
of consistent gets on empty or almost empty queues;
in fact this is the typical "sweeper" index that can get a lot of benefit
I don't bother doing that on all indexes, only on those I know being "problematic".
On 4/10/07, <> wrote:
> Does any implement this type of maintenance on indexes regularly?
> Theoretically, this should be good practice on tables that witness large
> number of updates or deletes.
> For those who do not, can you please explain why?
> --
-- Alberto Dell'Era "dulce bellum inexpertis" -- on Tue Apr 10 2007 - 11:31:39 CDT